It is said that actions speaks louder than words, and over the years, we have been listening this. still people have a tendency of putting things off. Any idea or knowledge becomes power only when it is acted upon.
Why people procrastinate after all? It is because of wrong programming of our mind about time. You must have heard people saying, “I want to save time”, or “There is still enough time, we will do that later”, I want to manage time”and so on. People say all these because of the wrong perception they have about time. .
You ask any one, how much time do you have in a day? And you will get the reply, 24 hours. That is where people go wrong. Seconds, minutes, hours, day, week, month, and a year, these are all units of time and it is actually the divisions of the journey of rotation of earth around sun. It has nothing to do with our life. Time available to each one of us is not 24 hours. Time available to us is our life span. That is why it is said time wasted is equal to life wasted.
A unit of time has nothing to do with our life, how do we divide our life span? Offcourse not in terms of Minutes, hours, months or years. Divisions of our life are Past present and future. What is our present today will become our past tomorrow, so actually it is the same time we know as past present or future.
The clock we have on the wall in our house actually has nothing to do with our life. We just need to set our biological clocks and then we will be able to manage our time well. Well the question here is can we really manage time? On the other hand, the time manages us.
People who have a habit of procrastinating because they are not able to set a sense of urgency in their life. There is nothing like tomorrow when you want to accomplish, we should set a deadline for whatever we want to do. If we fail to set dead line in our life we will end up living our whole life for the dead lines set by others.
Every thing in this world works on a particular dead line, even this great universe also functions on dead line. Transportation, Air lines, all other services function based on a certain dead line. If the dead line is missed it will be all chaos. We have to pay our electricity bill, telephone bill before a particular dead line, failing which we end up paying penalty. In life too if we do not set dead lines, if we do not creat a sense of urgency we might have to pay penalty in terms of facing adversities.
The science of physics recognizes two kinds of inertia - both of which can be related to procrastination. The first law states, "Standing objects tend to remain stationary." The second law is the inverse: "Moving objects tend to stay in motion."
Procrastination hampers a person’s growth. If we are not active, we stop growing. Deepak Chopra in his book ‘Ageless body timeless mind’ has said people do not grow old; they become old only because they stop growing.
Many people know what to do but very few people actually do what they know
Here are nine techniques to overcome procrastination: